Thursday, 5 April 2012

Day 88 Koh Rong Island

This morning the best phrase I could come up with to sum up the night was a Bart Simpson quote he said when he was left home alone and the family went to Machu Picchu. "Day time is fun, night time is scary!" We had an eventful first night, we discovered a couple of residents we share our treehouse with. Firstly a big Gecko with great colours came in when the light was on(we have 4hours of power each night) and fed on the moths, we didn't notice him till he did a superman from the top rafter to a cross beam. The other unknown resident made noise in the bin at 2am so we made noise & flashed torches eventually scaring what ever it was off on the third attempt. On inspection this morning an empty packet of biscuits had holes chewed in it.
Spent the day relaxing, snorkelling and eating having a great time!

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